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Get in touch with CPL if you would like to streamline and revolutionise the way you roll out your clinical drug trials.
Sponsors, Researchers, Pharmaceutical companies, and Contract Research Organisations - we’re ready to go and we want to hear from you.
Please fill out the form or e-mail us to speak to a member of our team.

Common Questions

Direct to Patient is considered a type of “Decentralised Trial” (DCT) as trials are conducted at locations outside the investigator site such as patient’s home, workplace, travel destination. This reduces the need for the patient to travel to the investigator site.

One of the main supply chain risks of a DTP trial are shipping coordination and logistics. With DTP the delivery of the IP is patient-facing which introduces challenges with delivery, timing of nursing visit and patient privacy.  This is why CPL needs to be involved for project management of each patient from dispensing to delivery and administration of the IP in a safe, secure and confidential process.

No longer do your recruited patients need to travel into a hospital or a clinic to receive an infusion or monitored trial. With CPL, this can take place in the comfort of a patient’s home. This is especially helpful in a place like Australia with a huge regional and remote spread of patients.

This model ultimately leads to a higher patient retention rate as the convenience means the participant is more willing to stay committed to the trial. Higher retention means greater amounts of data, earlier trial completion, and significant cost savings.

CPL is licensed to supply Investigational Product (IP) directly to a patient/participant (wherever they may be in Australia) and GMP/GCP trained Pharmacists are responsible and accountable for the dispensing of the IP to the patient. We use trained premium couriers for shipping of dispensed IP to patient’s homes to maintain safety, security, and confidentiality.

Our Melbourne-based depot is 10 minutes from Melbourne’s international airport, The depot is operated and owned by Australian pharmacists experienced in clinical trials. We use GMP/GCP trained pharmacists who are responsible and accountable for storing IMP and dispensing IMP to patients. Our Depot is TGA licenced, controlled environmental conditions, and secure with security checkpoints and barriers to prevent access to unauthorized persons and around the clock CCTV surveillance. The GMP compliant warehouse is temperature monitored with a back-up generator. Only DTP trained premium couriers are used for the distribution of IMP to patients’ homes.